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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Babymoon Along the Seine

In Early November we took one last perfect jaunt across the big pond to for what David considers "the last trip for 18 years." (We'll see about that ;) ) But we had a wonderful time just being together in Paris once again- lots of time to chat about the future, and at the same time just get away and enjoy the moment, and each other. It was so refreshing to be back in France, and with just enough time to do some shopping and touristing too. On Sabbath we drove our little rental car to Normandy's Mont St-Michel. David thought the castle island thing was the coolest ever, we took a heap of pictures and we had lots of time to chat along he drive. When we returned to Paris we said our goodbyes to the twinkling Eiffel tower once more with a dance and a song and our last perfect moment in Paris for quite some time. AuRevoir Paris, until we meet again!

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, November 12, 2006
At 6:58 PM
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First glimpses of baby winkler

Well, here HE is! We were able to get our first picture of our little treasure on the way. It's a boy! David is just so ecstatic, and was thrilled to edit and put together this little video. Here is a first glimpse of our new little life. Click here to see his video. (You may need real player.)

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, November 01, 2006
At 1:15 AM
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