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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Showers of blessings in Saginaw

On Sunday, Michelle threw a beautiful baby shower for us up in Saginaw. We had nearly thirty guests and munched on soup, sandwiches and snacks. It was a just a wonderful event with all the fun decorations and a chance to re-meet and get to know so many of David's home church family a little better. Some of our family from the Detroit area were also able to make the trek through the snow and cold. We feel so very blessed with such thoughtful support for us and our new little family of three to be. Thank you so very much, Michelle for your delightful hospitality and to so many of our extended family in the Lord for your generosity and friendship through the years.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, February 05, 2007
At 10:05 PM
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