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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Alexander's Arrival Story

Alexander entered the world on Sunday, March 18 at 12:37pm. We'd been up a bit late Saturday night watching a movie and getting things ready for the South Lyon Tasting Expo on Sunday, but somebody had other plans for that day. Serena woke up around 3:30 with some cramping but not wanting to wake David too early and figuring a long day of labor could be ahead she stayed in bed until around 5:30 when the "crampies" were about 8 minutes apart she thought she should say something to him.

David jumped out of bed and dashed about in giddy excitement, packing a few last minute things and helping Serena get ready for the day. After showering, loading the car and a small bite to eat, contractions were 3 minutes apart, and at around 6:30am they left for the hospital.

Serena spent the first part of her labor in the jacuzzi which helped her relax but so much so they suggested she do some walking (which never happened) to let the "crampies" do their work. By mid-morning, she was pretty sick from the pain and took the epidural thinking that she couldn't endure hours more of the pain and waiting. Little did she know that in just a bit over an hour our little boy would make his big entrance.

He certainly arrived much faster than even the nurses expected and created quite a commotion with his speedy entrance. But our nurse was just fantastic, and David was an amazing support (and so very excited) through everything. Lynne was also a good comfort and support for both of us and even ran some last minute errands for the Expo that we clearly wouldn't be able to do.

Alexander was born healthy and bright-eyed (and ready for lunch- just like his papa). He passed all his tests with flying colors and was so excited to meet his family.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

all who see is newborn picture can't believe he's only minutes old and so awake and alert==that's my g-son:)


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