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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Nana Time

It's been so very nice to have Nana home with us for several days his first week. She's been so excited about her little grandson, passing along the news and pictures to everyone, and it's been wonderful to have her accessible and helpful with little errands and time with Alexander. She's been able to stay overnight and help with the nighttime adjustments on days when David has had to work, and help Serena out during the day with care and "rest patrol." All three of us have appreciated an extra set of arms and extra touch of love while everything is so new. Thank you Nana!


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

It's been a delight. He is such a treasure! even in the fussy wee hours. And Mama and Papa are doing a great job!


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