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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Practice Makes Perfect

As the pregnancy days drag on, Alexander's arrival seems like a distant dream. So, we set out on a practice stroll to test our parenting skills. We discovered that the pushing and turning capabilities of the stroller were exceptional. Cookie commented on the superior comfort level of the seat and smooth ride. While testing the safety features at the nearby playground that a keen eye and quick reflexes are important, and monsters... er, children... should never be left unattended.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Not sure who is having more fun in
these pictures...

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

looks like your friend cookie monster was a good teaching tool

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

You two are "two peas in a pod" in finding joy in the little things. You brighten my day with chuckles just in sharing this. = ))

Anonymous Myra &amp; Sabrina Says:

You kids are so much fun - as cheezy as ever!!! We are totally enjoying "catching up with you" on your webpage.


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