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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


With Love from New Beginnings...

When Ruthie asked if she could host a shower for us at our house we were absolutely delighted to have everyone come and celebrate such a special time with us. We played some crazy games, laughed a great deal, and dined on Calvins' famous Grillers Prime and a feast of other salads, sides, and cake of course! The guys were excellent sports with all the baby googling and even proved to be some serious baby shower competitors! Doug managed to most accurately guess the roundness of Serena's tummy. David impressed us all with his moonwalk cotton ball feat, and Lou took home the M&M jar for his superb... counting skills. It was really a beautiful celebration, and we're looking forward to soon introducing baby to so many who love him so much already.


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