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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Five Weeks!

How time flies! On Sunday, Alexander celebrated 5 miraculous weeks of life. At his doctor's appointment last week he weighed in at 9 pounds- 2 ounces (35th percentile) and 21.5 inches long (75th percentile), and he's finally starting to have a bit more consistency in his schedule and days, which makes things much easier on mummy and papa. Here's what un jour typique looks like for us right now. Of course any day's events are subject to change without notice :) -

  • 5:30am- wake up time (prep for Serena going back to work) breakfast I, diaper change,snuggle time and dozing with mom (mummy is not a morning person! :)
  • 8:30am- breakfast II, diaper change, playtime: morning worship, play and toy time on the blanket, conversations with mummy, quiet time: swingtime or naptime
  • 11:30am- lunch, diaper change, playtime: varied- sometimes errands with mom, visitors, etc... (sometimes just goes to sleep right away) quiet time on a blanket, or in the snugli, naptime
  • 2:30pm- afternoon snack etc... playtime: in the aquarium, tummytime, chats with mom quiet time: with mom or in the swing, naptime
  • 5:30pm- dinnertime! playtime with papa & family time sometimes naps - hopefully not
  • 8:30 pm- bedtime snack, cuddling with quiet music; evening worship; quiet time, bedtime (hopefully not too much fussing!)
  • 1-2 am- midnight snack; goodnights: goes back to sleep after snack; longnights: stays awake until 3:30ish...ugh!

This Sabbath was also Alexander's first venture out to church in South Lyon! He's already met most of the friends through our small group and various ventures, but he got to meet Payton who is just three weeks older, and the rest of our extended church family. He slept for part of the service, ate lunch for part of the service, and slept for the end of it. But he woke up just in time for potluck and was quite social for everyone. Bravo Alexander! We'll be back again next week!

Of course we had to do another photo shoot when we got home (tee hee)


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