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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Love from the Schapers

Alexander has been quite excited to meet the rest of the Schaper aunts and uncles over the past couple of weekends. Aunt Nancy arrived from Chicago last Sabbath for some time to chat and make friends. This Sunday, Uncle Jim and Aunt Marlene came in from Big Rapids to visit with a slightly more sleepy host curled up on the couch for the entire afternoon. After his long mid-day nap he has, however, spent the late evening and bed-time hours with wide-eyed enthusiasm, vocalizing how much he enjoyed meeting and visiting with Bill and Carol and Jim and Marlene. He's wanted us to let you know how excited he is for all the many Schaper outings, adventures, and holidays he's looking forward to and how blessed he feels to have such a wonderful family who loves him so much.

p.s. Papa sends his thanks, too, for all the help putting up the gazebo. We three are looking forward to some quality summer time in a shady spot. Come visit again soon!


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