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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



Lest you come under the impression that in our baby bliss we have escaped all of those loud overly dramatized calls for help, we've included the following pictures... When he gets really angry we call it the "supersonic" - then you know you're in trouble! When it comes to tears, there's no "squeak" for this little guy- it's often all or nothing, thus he's been appropriately donned our little PipSqualk.

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, April 26, 2007
At 10:36 PM
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for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Think i could hear him up here in Saginaw. He just needs grandma to come spoil him some more. . .will do that soon

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

The pictures say it all...he has lung-power! He will never be referred to as the quiet one...
Aunt Nancy


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