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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Sabbath Stroll at Gallup Park

Spring is finally here! It's been so gorgeous the past few days we've just had to get outside! We took our first walk around Nana's neighborhood on Friday and made the monumental first trek out to Gallup Park Sabbath afternoon. Gallup parks holds a special place in our history from jaunts throughout Serena's childhood, courtship walks, and rollerblading, biking, and strolls the past four years of marriage bliss. Now it's Alexander's turn to discover the Gallup loop, river, trails and playgrounds. Let the adventures begin!

By Winkler World Online
On Saturday, April 21, 2007
At 11:45 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

ToysR Us has bikes on sale should we buy one for Alexander to start out right at Gallup Park==and then Kensington Park== we'll have him biking in no time. He looks very eager to get going. Love g-ma, gpa


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