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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Turtle Time

It's true that we have taken at least a few pictures every single day since Alexander entered our life- but isn't that the joy of digital photography? This series in his little turtle outfit was just too cute, so I had to share a few. Here is Alexander showing off for mummy and Nana at just over 3 weeks old.


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

If he were selling turtle outfits, I'd take a case or two. Nana is grins all over again.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Everyone I show Alexander's pictures to, that means anyone/everyone who will look at them, can't believe how awake and alert, brite eyed he is. This set of pictures he really out did himself :) What a beautiful grandson you two gave to us.,
G-ma, G-pa== Saginaw Can hardly wait til have day avail to come spoil him some more!!!


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