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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Two Weeks Old

Yesterday David came home from work and we turned on the Tigers' opening game at Comerica Park. (Troy, you would be proud, we're working on that whole 'sports' thing) David was staring at Alexander and he said "I think he grew today." It really does seem like he's grown and changed almost overnight.

It seems that he's now down to one middle of the night feeding (9:30/10pm, 2:30am, 6:30am) which mama and papa think is super terrific. (though we're still working on that whole settling back down thing afterwards- he thinks it's awake time in mummy's arms)

He follows Papa's voice and face with his eyes and can hold his head up for quite some time to look at us, often followed by a bonk on the shoulder. He'll hold his pacifier in all by himself ...sometimes. His favorite toy seems to be Mr. Crinkle Frog. He'll stare and stare and swing his hand at it when you make it crinkle. You might think these things are just a fluke, but David is still convinced he's genius baby in disguise.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Grandma & Grandpa both think he is quite a gunius too, since I can't even spell it?? :)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I'm still waiting to refill my ink well on my dell printer,, i'm quite behind on the picture printing, grandma

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

when you scroll down to earlier pictures you can really see the growth/devlopment.... good growing Alexander, grandma (again):)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Of course he's a genius - look at his parents! And he has changed a lot since birth. He is cuter than ever!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Not having seen him for four days, I did notice a change too. He was really concentrating on our little chat. Bath #2 was such an improvement - he loved it! God bless you all. Love, Nana


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