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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


First Picnic at Hidden Lake Gardens

This Sabbath we celebrated the gift of awesome weather with a trek out to one of our favourite places on earth, Hidden Lake Gardens. The trees were all in blossom along with the field of Narcissus. We drove the winding Woodland Drive and took pictures at a few favorite spots. Alexander seemed to love the fresh air and had his first picnic compliments of Papa under a flowering tree. It was a wonderful little outing, and the first of may fun memories for Alexander I am sure.


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Great pictures of your picnic, especially the one in the field of flowers. And the new(?) photos on the intro page add the new dimension of your family - Alex! Looks like you had a wonderful day at the Gardens; wish I was there to enjoy it with you! Nancy

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Looks like Alexander will be a lover of the out of doors too :) You all look like you had just what you all needed = = a real day of rest and time with each other and the Lord. . .g-ma, g-pa

Blogger t.o.g.e.t.h.e.r Edmonton Says:

Quel trésor vous avez!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I only posted one comment - honest! nancy


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