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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Our First Mothers' Day

During breakfast, David headed out to "get a newspaper" and shortly thereafter, Alexander and I heard the doorbell ring. Because we were (he was) in the middle of eating we decided our visitor would just have to come back later. Persistent though, he was, and after the third ring, We headed down to see what obnoxious neighbor wanted to see us at such an early hour.

There at the door stood the finest man we'd ever seen. In his company uniform complete with nametag, stood an employee from the "Mothers' Day Daycare Service"- "Where Everyday is Mother's Day." After a brief introduction, "Ma'am your husband has requested our services today and if you'd take a look at the following sheet, you'll see all that our company has to offer."
  • Feeding, Burping, Changing
  • Playing, Singing
  • Basic Cleaning, Laundry
  • Meal Preparation,
  • Romantic Massage

"Can I check them all?" I asked. "I expect you to," came the answer. Our fine agent then proceeded to cook brunch for my mom and I- blueberry pancakes, sausage patties, raisin toast, fruit salad. And Alexander and he had some fine bonding time while my mom and I headed out to do some super duper flowershopping.

When we returned, I found the mountain of laundry folded, house cleaned, bed made, dishes done, and baby sleeping. Amazing this company is! If "everyday is mother's day," sign me up! I hope the doorbell rings again tomorrow! =)


for this post

Blogger Abs Says:

David, what a great idea! Serena, je suis contente que ta première fête des mères était merveilleuse!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What a great guy! Serena, you are certainly blessed! Will he keep this service available for future Mother's Days? Nancy

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Thank you again, David, for making it such a special first Mothers' Day for Mom and Nana too! We're so blessed by your loving thoughtfulness. Your flowers look great out front; we girls had such fun browsing about. :)


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