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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


perfect delights at 10 weeks

David took a fantastic 5-day weekend this weekend, and it's been just wonderful and relaxing. Yesterday Alexander was just smiles and giggles all day so we had to take a moment to capture his little joy on film. The pictures do him no justice, his smiles just light up the world- but here's a taste of baby Alexander's delights to warm your heart.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I can feel the smiles and hear the giggles =) What a perfect little man! Nancy

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

He is so cute!!! I can't believe he is already 2 months old. Once I get moved in I hope to get down there and see him sometime this summer. Take Care! Karen

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

It's almost as enjoyable to googoo over these cute pictures as it is to hold and cuddle my grandson. I can almost feel his gentlness and smell his sweet baby smell *unless any of these a 'fulldiaper smell* g-ma, g-pa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

=), =)), =))), His joy is so super contagious. What a love!!! Nana


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