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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Two Months Old! (9 weeks)

Last Friday, Alexander passed the two month marker with a trip to see Dr. Thorrez. He measured in at 23 3/4 inches (75th percentile) and weighed in at 11 pounds 4 ounces (35th percentile).

It's so very fun to see his little personality shining through as he becomes more 'babylike' and less of an infant. He loves to watch and see what's going on, and would usually rather be facing the action than snuggled up. We call him 'strongfoot' because he loves to stand on his feet to chat, and is quite the little vocalist, especially in his happiest morning hours. He surprised mummy the other day rolling over on his own from his tummy to his back!

Last week our friend Belynda was in town visiting her mom for Mother's day and a group of us girls (and baby boys) got together at Starbucks. Samantha is holding baby David, his birthday buddy, born down the hall just three hours earlier.


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