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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


All Through the Night

We are super pleased to announce that Alexander finally made it through the night in what we would qualify as officially "sleeping through the night." He snuggled down in his crib shortly after his bedtime 9pm feeding and woke up at 5am, just as mummy was getting up for work. He let her take a shower and get ready, and took breakfast only half an hour early. When we woke up in the morning, we both kind of looked at each other and asked, "Did the baby get up last night?" "Did you hear him crying?" We were quite surprised he was still asleep in his crib. But the event couldn't have come at a better time, as we had both been so exhausted from the week (we at first wondered if we had just slept through his 'calls'). God's timing is always perfect, isn't it? We'll have to see if baby Alex can duplicate this wonderful feat in the nights ahead.


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