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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


back to work

I can't believe how fast time has flown. After 12 beautiful weeks of maternity leave, the long Wednesday finally came to return to work. David has been been so wonderful and helpful with everything, he's made me lunches all week, and helped get everything ready for the big day. These first mornings little unsuspecting Alexander has awoken in his typically cheery little disposition, and it's just hard to think about how he doesn't even realize that his mother will be abandoning him in just a couple short hours. During our morning time together, I try to remind him of all the fun things we've done together and fun times we've had so that he won't forget me, and he sometimes he smiles and giggles and says that he'd had fun too. But Wednesday and Thursday at breakfast I couldn't eat next to him without messing up my make-up, and he seemed too excited for the new day to suggle in for any long good-byes. But at work, everyone has been really wonderful and welcoming. I feel really blesseed that Exhibit Works has made a place for me to come back at part time (M,T,Th) and I printed out pictures to stick up everywhere in my cube, and fortunately it's not part of our busy season for the time being (you can tell because I'm typing this at work!). Wednesday night when I got home he was happy and smiley to see me, but Thursday night he was much more mellow and moody. I really hope that he will be okay, and like David says that he is just adjusting and not getting depressed or broken-spirited. I'm very protective of his sparkling little spirit. It's been a rough week, but they say things do get a little better. We are just excited for the weekend together with our family again, and are praying that He will lead us down the paths that He knows are best for now and for our family's future.


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