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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


A "Full Night's" Rest

Beautiful little Alexander graced papa with a most encouraging birthday present Thursday night by sleeping through the night** from 11pm to 6:20 am!

**ACTUALLY, he slept at cell group after a 9pm dinner (around his normal bedtime), and stayed asleep in the car all the way home. Mummy gave him a calming snack at 11pm when he woke up on the way out of the car seat with a start. We put him in the bassinet for the night because he seemed a little on edge, where he promptly took to snuggling with the side of the bassinet (This always makes mummy nervous and she glanced in more than a couple of times throughout the night to make sure he was still breathing). He took a bit of a 3am stirr (when he usually eats) that was quieted with the speedy replacement of the magical binky. Mummy woke up at 5am with papa's alarm clock and glanced at Alexander every 10-15 minutes, anxiously wondering if he could actually make it to 6:30 without needing to eat. At 6:20, his eyes popped open, and he happily took a diaper change (mummy stalling until 6:30), had breakfast and a short awake time. At 7:00 Mummy tucked Alex into bed with her and he fell back asleep until he woke up to the camera flashes at nearly 10am! (Mummy also took advantage of much of the sleepytime.)

They may call this lack of mid-night meals 'sleeping-through-the-night,' but until he also permits MAMA to "sleep-through-the-night," we won't report anything official without adding the truth in the fine print.


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

He looks like dream land is so very very happy. Not long and he'll amaze you with even longer sleep times. David didn't till almost 4-5mos old. g-ma, g-pa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Such contentment! He smiles in his sleep! Actually, mummy, you will probably sleep a little longer and better when you're more relaxed about his sleeping time. All part of having a child - everyone adapting! Love Ya, Nancy


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