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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Happy Birthday Nana!

Last Friday, we celebrated Nana's birthday with the Johnsons and a great hamburger grill and picnic outside. Alexander and Nana have become grand buddies the past couple of weeks as they get to spend some quality time together while Mama works three days a week. They play and chat together and look at their favorite book- B is for Bear. They've weeded the garden and have a little music lesson some afternoons. Right now Nana comes to our house, but Alexander will probably go to her house sometimes too when he gets a little older. XanderBear is their special little friend Nana made who likes to give lots of kisses to make Alex smile. Happy Birthday Nana!


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Thank you for the fun celebration and all the joys (and only a few fussies) that brighten my week when I sit. That book is awesome! One fussy time I started making the car, train, duckling, and kitty sounds we make on those pages, and he stopped fussing to listen. Wonder if he was picturing those pages. It was great to see David and family again. What a bunch of great kids!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Happy Birthday, Nana! Looks like you had a wonderful day and that you and Alexander have bonded beautifully. And Xanderbear IS the hit he was meant and made to be. He is something very special to Alexander! (I would have loved to hear you doing all the noises that quieted the fussing - must have been fun) Love to all, Nancy


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