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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


A Moment for Morning Worship

Since April, one of the first things that we do after breakfast and dressing for the day is to have our little morning worship together. Usually mummy comes down to the blanket with Alexander and we sing our memory verse song, study our Sabbath School lesson, (I can even print them off the internet in French!) have a little prayer and close with a hymn. Alexander just loves it. He soaks up every minute and looks at the pictures so very intently. We're currently learning the story of Joseph's coat of many colors. May, we talked about Daniel in the lions' den. But it was his first lessons that just began so perfectly, as for the month of April we read about little David the Shepherd Boy. I think his favorite part talked about David's new little lamb. "You are a new little lamb too, Alexander!" It is our prayer that our little lamb would become a man after God's own heart, and follow in the footsteps of His Good Shepherd.


for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Amen to that.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

He actually apears to be reading along with mommy. . .


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