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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Lil' Townie

It was a delightful week to introduce Alexander to a bit of the best of Ann Arbor. Wednesday morning we headed down to the Farmers' Market, where riding along in the Snugli, Alexander could be a part of the hustle and bustle looking over the fresh produce, flowers, and crafts. We picked our purchases carefully, snap peas, green beans, delicious cherries, and mom's favorite little Turkish pastry to take home. =)

Friday, we met Nana downtown to peruse the famous Ann Arbor Street Art Fair. We had a scrumptious salad lunch (bottle for baby, of course) at Cosi Cafe and meandered a corner (bite-size for Alexander) of the fair. Alexander's view from the stroller may have been a bit different from ours, but he seemed to appreciate some of the art more than others. Mostly, he was just captivated, if not overwhelmed by all the people passing by, sounds and smells and goings on and humored us by looking politely at anything colorful and 'kid-like' that we tried to put in front of him. But he certainly slept well all the way home. No worries, we'll be back again next year- he WILL love it eventually =).


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Anonymous Nancy Says:

Love the close-up shot!


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