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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


SnapPak #2- Four Months Old!

Alexander turned four months last Wednesday. At his Dr. appointment he weighed in at 13lbs 7oz (25th percentile) and 26.25 inches long (90th percentile)! Bravo, Alexander- way to grow!

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, July 25, 2007
At 10:16 PM
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for this post

Anonymous Aunt Nancy Says:

Oh, my gosh, is he ever cute! Even cuter than before! What a wonderful little man! As you wrote, a perfect creation!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

You should see his big smile! His eyes light up his whole face and switch everybody's faces into big responsive grins. He"s a charmer! L.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I log on just to google at my g-son. He can take a bleak dreary or stress filled day and just melt it away for me. . .look forward to each and every time I can come care for him. . . what a little charmer. . . look out in about 15yrs:)


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