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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


At the Cottage...

It was Alexander's first overnight adventure to Uncle Jim's cottage this weekend and he was so good, slept well, and absorbed into his little mind dozens of new sights, sounds, and smells. It was so refreshing to be up North in the fresh air and tall, tall trees. When he was outside in the quiet of nature, he just seemed to soak everything in from the big sparkling lake (biggest bathtub he's seen yet!), to the green breezing trees, to the boats coasting across the water. He had smiles for everyone and wiggles to share with all. He got to meet his cousin Karen and play in the hammock, (what a pretty finger you have cousin Karen!) and share secrets with Aunt Marlene. He watched Mama and Papa ski around the lake with Karen and Jake, and watched everyone eat Uncle Jim's "perfect" hamburgers- quite enviously Papa noted. We got a bit of overnight rain, but the weather was gorgeous. Though he didn't get to experience lake water or speedboat rides, it won't be long before he'll be toddling after frogs and building sandcastles with Nana. Don't worry, we'll be back again next year!

By Winkler World Online
On Tuesday, August 14, 2007
At 10:52 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Looks like he will be quite the outdoorsman. Grndpa will take him 'critter' hunting next time. . .hope we'll be able to join yas...looks like we missed out on some real quality fun and family time. . .maybe next year.Grandpa,Grandma

Anonymous Aunt Nancy Says:

Ditto, looks like I missed some fun and family time too! Glad you finally got to meet Aunt Karen! She loves little kids, so I'm sure you had a great time with her! And I bet Aunt Marlene and Uncle Jim were surprised at how big you've gotten! Wait until you can play in that big, big, bathtub!!
Fun, lots of fun!!!


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