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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



Alexander's First Food!

Alexander seemed ecstatic at the idea of indulging his senses in the delicacies of this new rice cereal. He could barely contain his excitement over the idea of eating like mama and papa. In fact, he's been making his best efforts to sneak a snitch of their food for weeks and finally his turn had arrived.

He was prepped and primmed in his chair. With shiny new bib draped around his neck and bowl of cereal safely out of reach on the table below, Papa stood watch with the video camera, and Mama sat armed with a shiny tiny spoon. The first bite was scooped from the bowl. "Aaaaaah" went Mama. "Aaaaah" went Papa. Baby watched... and just as the spoon approached his little mouth he opened, bit the spoon, closed his eyes, and thought "Sweet deliverance." Then, with one taste of the watered down goo, promptly stuck out his tongue and dribbled all of its contents onto his chin.

Since his first meal, he's been improving on his eating techniques and has begun to enjoy his rice delight as a part of his evening routine. This week we'll add Lunch to his repertoire of meals and soon (dum dum dum....) we'll bring on the carrots. Stay tuned for updates...

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, August 16, 2007
At 9:20 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Smart move, Alexander! Hold out for the good stuff! Nancy


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