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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Hapy Burtday Muma!

We had lots uv fun wen we wint to Nana's hows to selibrat muma's burtday. It wus Muma, Papa, Nana, Elin, en me. Nana made Muma a fancee dinr wif all hur favrit tings to eet. Pasta noodl bak, asperigus, pees en karits, end punkin mufins. Evin I got to eet from a prity china bowl. Then Muma had an is creem cak with litel fires on stiks en she blew all the fires awa! But my favrite wuz the prity colord papir she kept throwin on the flor for me to pla wif. En she liked the presints too. (I got muma a kard wif a ber becuse bers are my favrit). Hapy Birtday Muma! I luv yu!

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, October 31, 2007
At 7:06 PM
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Anonymous Mom Says:

You've blown out many candles around that table. Each year has had it's own special delights and gifts from Little People things to fine china. Looking forward to the expanded delights of your family. Big bunches of love. Mum


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