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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


let your light so shine

Now Alexander is just a little bubble of sunshine- really he is, almost all the time. But this Sabbath, this Sabbath he was way out-of-control-cute. And maybe we are just crazy parents in love with our baby, but undeniably Alexander is a friend-maker; and at church today, his joy was a-bubbling over. Nana cross-stitched for him his "first little tie" on a bib- with a shining candle on it that he might let his little light shine for all to see God's wonder in this tiny creation. As he went a-visiting from friend to friend during potluck (giving mama and papa some lovely dining time with empty laps) you could see his joy reflected in smiles across faces around the room. Praise God that Alexander is using his gift of joy to lift others' spirits already. Oh that we all might be such good stewards of God's gifts to us.

The bib also can be used to make great walrus teeth =)

By Winkler World Online
On Saturday, October 20, 2007
At 11:44 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Praise God for this petit fabricant des grande sourires. =))

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Every time we get more pictures we are so very very BLESSED with this little grandson. . .


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