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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Thank You, Grandma!

From time to time, Grandma Winkler comes down from Saginaw on her day off and gets to spend some time with her little grandson and give Nana Johnson an extra day off. They're good days for all of us, and we're happy Alexander gets so much love and care. This week, in addition to a day of walks with the baby, playtime, and kind house-cleaning treats (thanks for the windows!), Mummy came home to a beautifully scrumptious dinner on the table, fed and happy baby ready for dinner with the family, and a house full of happy smiling faces (Nana came over too). Thank you so much Grandma for all your help, yummy dinner, and other goodies (Pepperidge Farm Patties, LunchMeats and Multi-Grain Cheerios) you always send our way. You're such a blessing to our family!

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, November 15, 2007
At 12:48 AM
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Anonymous Lynne Says:

And a blessing to Nana too.

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

I get so much more in return than I ever give. . .being with Alex and giving to my children, helping in any LITTLE way I (we dad/I)can is paying it forward. Gma,Gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Alexander, you are so fortunate to have such a warm, caring extended family. Grandma, Nana and Grandpa cannot get enough of you! You are so loved!!!


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