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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


These are a few of my favorite things...

I suppose that in the delights and wonders of Alexander's latest doings and discoveries there is a lot of "reporting" to do. Often times- or maybe always- it gets to overshadow the simple, heart-sparkling joys that is really the essence of this whole new world of 'motherhood.' I thought I might take a moment to share outside the safety and reflection of my own heart a few of my favorite things before we embark upon this "very first" holiday season:

waking up to early morning dawns, and watching the sun-light slowly seep through the room on the sleeping little wonder next to me.

watching alexander play thoughtfully with my wedding ring

feathering my hair over his face to watch a little smile dawn... and eventually soft little giggles...

seeing alexander line up his hand to mine through the little window on his play tunnel and press his face to the mesh to smile at me

laughing together at mealtimes

eskimo kisses (rubbing noses) to produce big smiles and little hugs

seemingly "inside jokes" little sayings, silly dances and songs, about goofy day-to-day things that make us both laugh at each other

Little hands reaching up to touch my face, eyes smiling, reconnecting at dinner feedings after a day at work.

seeing him look for me from across the room, crawl all the way across the living room, the kitchen, and tug on my pant-leg.

reading books together- face to face, cheek to tiny, soft, cheek... softly in his ear... 'b is for bear... feel his fuzzy nose? see the bear?" big smile "yes, you like the bear very much... c is for car- vroom vroom beep beep..."

"ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" "yes, Alexander- I'm the mama! That's me! That's me!"

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, November 18, 2007
At 1:08 AM
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Anonymous Nana Says:

So glad you're making note of the "little things". We forget these special moments as new ones come along. I should start some myself. lmn

Anonymous Nancy Says:

What you wrote is so beautiful. Yes, the 'big things' are remembered, but its the little things in your relationship that you will treasure. The feelings that accompany spontaneous yet everyday actions, like Alexander playing with your ring or rubbing noses like the Eskimos, cannot be captured on film. So happy you are sharing them with us, too!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

So quickly will these special time pass-on as Alex grows up, So blessed to have in our life, so thankful for the bloggs to keep us close when we are far away. gma, gpa

Blogger Sarah Says:

Sounds like poetry...the beauty of the moments, of the present moment. =) Made me think of the poems by Deborah Garrison!


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