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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


(Almost) Ready for Christmas!

First Introduction to the Christmas Tree

We've really been having a lot of fun this year jumping wholeheartedly into the holiday spirit. We (yes, did you know David is an awesome kitchen assistant??... especially when it comes to cookies) baked seven dozen cookies for the women's ministries cookie exchange, were one of those cheesy people who decorated for Christmas starting the weekend after Thanksgiving (after Alexander examined each box for treasures he could put in his mouth of course), and hit the stores the day after. We mailed out over fifty Christmas Cards, strung the house with lights (most of them work) and have already faithfully wrapped most of the presents (Alex couldn't help with this one, we did it after he went to bed).

Bundling up for a shopping extravaganza | Irrisistable temptations...

Alexander comes down the stairs each morning with mama and lights up with brilliant smiles at the sparkling Christmas tree. And he gets big grins when he watches his face distort in the shiny mirrored bulbs. When Grandpa and Grandma brought down the first load (!!?? spoiled first grandson??? nah!!!) of presents for Winkler Family Christmas from Saginaw, Alexander was ecstatically amazed at all the bright colored boxes in the dining room. (Though we keep them in the guest room until the big day- the temptation under the tree would be more than any little one could handle.) His first pre-present from Grandma Johnson today was a big hit (especially the tissue paper it was wrapped in) and we think he's just going to be beside himself in the midst of all the paper, bows, and commotion. We can't wait! Merry Christmas to all, and to all a good night! (Can we finally get some sleep now?)

Decoration Inspector | Tatou and Alexander paruse the gifts "Is this one for me???"

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, December 20, 2007
At 12:51 AM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

As Gpa & Gma have looked at Alexander over the past few months we see how God has delightfully blessed us as grandparents and family. We see a little one exploring the world around him that God has created searching for God's wisdom and having a heart of love learning about His presence. We hope and pray that this sweet innocence and the love he has know will always be with him. He is God;s special little gift. Love Gpa & Gma

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Forget the gifts, just give him lots of tissue and wrapping paper and he will be happy all day! He is such a wonder! It is so great to see and hear about his discovery of all the new things in his life, things we take for granted. Makes me pause and look around again at what wonder we have. See you later today, little man! Love you! Aunt Nancy


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