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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Giving Thanks

As the holiday season hits full swing, we reflect upon so very many things that we have to be thankful for. I am sure that not one who has been following our cheesy little blog can doubt what we are perhaps most thankful for this year. Alexander has been the delight of our lives and his first Thanksgiving was filled with lots of festive celebration that can be summed up best by the great psalmist, "Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." (106:1)

We were delighted to have Aunt Nancy join us from Chicago and Esther Trombley ride down with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate the Thanksgiving feast with our family and Nana. Later Uncle Bill and Aunt Carol along with cousin Alison and Mike popped by for an after-feast glow and chatting. Alexander was in good spirits all day, sporting his festive turkey bib, and tasted his first bit of 'chicken and rice' compliments of Gerber. (Not a fan of bird, we quickly learned. That's okay with us.) But in traditional Thanksgiving style he easily retired for an evening nap shortly after the meal and returned later in good spirits and smiles to play happy host to his adoring fans.

We certainly had to capture this first event and took our fair share of photos (of course): A Winkler family 'portrait'; Papa's lesson on how best to eat pie; and the cheesy family self-pics of which we are a bit overly-fond. We've posted a few of them below. Happy Thanksgiving Alexander!

p.s. Alexander also enjoyed the after-day shopping extravaganza with grins and cheer to a great many people in a very long line of customers at Kohls. He shared a few fussies at Target, and was out cold by Best Buy. But no worries- It's your first year, kid. You'll build up those shopping muscles a bit more by next year.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, November 23, 2007
At 9:44 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

All the food was scrumptious, the pies delisious (can't spell), and just think only 4wks to loose all that was gained before start over w/xmas goodies. . .

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Holidays are so awesome! and summer gatherings too, of course to catch up on changes and building new memories. I feel so blessed/thankful with three great extended families now, and this baby is the extra new sparkle. lmn

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

A wonderful time was had by all! The food was delicious, the company fun and the host and hostess the best! Alexander certainly did a great job of entertaining us! David, no worries, after Friday's shopping - Alex had no interest in buying anything! Slept through Joann Fabrics and all their neat crafts. And, I must say, if that is what I really look like, no more pictures!!! Nancy

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Once again, dressed up, looking fine! He'll be a spokesperson for Ralph Lauren someday, just wait! What a handsome guy he is!


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