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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Officially Certified for Birth Preparation

Tuesday night we finished our last of our four "birth preparation" classes. Overall we found them to be pretty worthwhile. It was a great deal of information on the whole birthing process which helps helps to know a bit of what to expect, even though it doesn't give you any hints about how it will go for you. David was great and really supportive through everything- though the whole video segments could have been less... "detailed" for him. We learned some breathing techniques but didn't spend too much time on those but rather just relaxation strategies in general which Serena preferred anyhow. It was nice to have Mark and Samantha in class with us to chat and ask questions, and though we "graduated" with a quite official looking little certificate, it will be interesting to see what that paper can really do for us when it comes down to the real world experience :).

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, February 28, 2007
At 9:24 PM
Comments :

Happy Baby Wishes from the Ann Arbor Church Family

Charlyn, Jeanne, and the Ann Arbor Church Family hosted a wonderful shower for us last Sunday. Candy Higgenbotham decorated an adorable blue baby cake, and the support from so many familiar friends and families that I have grown up with through the years made the event so very special. We did lots of visiting, snacking, and chatting and all three of us appreciate so many delightful and generous baby gifts including our travel system from the Church Family as a whole. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, February 19, 2007
At 9:49 PM
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Painting Complete!

Today Jaron completed the mural with a final coat of gloss to keep things fresh and waterproof. The finishing touches took a little extra time and detail, but it's turned out beautifully, and we're really pleased. We thought of pulling out the tent and sleeping bag to camp under the tree before we move the furniture back in, but decided our bed was more comfortable. We're really pleased with how everything turned out. The room looks really spacious, and even Tatou loves being "outside." Once the glossy-chem smell fades, we're excited to move the furniture back in and put everything together. Thanks Jaron! You did an awesome job!

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, February 09, 2007
At 12:30 AM
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Showers of blessings in Saginaw

On Sunday, Michelle threw a beautiful baby shower for us up in Saginaw. We had nearly thirty guests and munched on soup, sandwiches and snacks. It was a just a wonderful event with all the fun decorations and a chance to re-meet and get to know so many of David's home church family a little better. Some of our family from the Detroit area were also able to make the trek through the snow and cold. We feel so very blessed with such thoughtful support for us and our new little family of three to be. Thank you so very much, Michelle for your delightful hospitality and to so many of our extended family in the Lord for your generosity and friendship through the years.

By Winkler World Online
On Monday, February 05, 2007
At 10:05 PM
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