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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


One Week Ago...

One week ago today we came home from the hospital! We celebrated this momentous event with our first bath (rather loud indeed) with Nana's help, some play time in the aquarium :), and a nap of course!


Nana Time

It's been so very nice to have Nana home with us for several days his first week. She's been so excited about her little grandson, passing along the news and pictures to everyone, and it's been wonderful to have her accessible and helpful with little errands and time with Alexander. She's been able to stay overnight and help with the nighttime adjustments on days when David has had to work, and help Serena out during the day with care and "rest patrol." All three of us have appreciated an extra set of arms and extra touch of love while everything is so new. Thank you Nana!


Morning Expressions

................"Who Me?" .......................Bright Eyes.............."Where's Breakfast?".......

Morning moments with Mommy


Meeting the Grandparents

Proud does not begin to describe Grandma, Grandpa and Great Grandma's excitement over the new little bundle of joy. Each took their turn holding and oogling over the cutest little Winkler ever. Grandma brought pictures of Daddy David when he was a baby to show Alexander his remarkable resemblance to his papa. Great Grandma who has been waiting a long time for this moment was delighted to see little Alexander smile at her. We look forward to many visits, happy times and spoilage to come!


Alexander's Arrival Story

Alexander entered the world on Sunday, March 18 at 12:37pm. We'd been up a bit late Saturday night watching a movie and getting things ready for the South Lyon Tasting Expo on Sunday, but somebody had other plans for that day. Serena woke up around 3:30 with some cramping but not wanting to wake David too early and figuring a long day of labor could be ahead she stayed in bed until around 5:30 when the "crampies" were about 8 minutes apart she thought she should say something to him.

David jumped out of bed and dashed about in giddy excitement, packing a few last minute things and helping Serena get ready for the day. After showering, loading the car and a small bite to eat, contractions were 3 minutes apart, and at around 6:30am they left for the hospital.

Serena spent the first part of her labor in the jacuzzi which helped her relax but so much so they suggested she do some walking (which never happened) to let the "crampies" do their work. By mid-morning, she was pretty sick from the pain and took the epidural thinking that she couldn't endure hours more of the pain and waiting. Little did she know that in just a bit over an hour our little boy would make his big entrance.

He certainly arrived much faster than even the nurses expected and created quite a commotion with his speedy entrance. But our nurse was just fantastic, and David was an amazing support (and so very excited) through everything. Lynne was also a good comfort and support for both of us and even ran some last minute errands for the Expo that we clearly wouldn't be able to do.

Alexander was born healthy and bright-eyed (and ready for lunch- just like his papa). He passed all his tests with flying colors and was so excited to meet his family.


Alexander Michael Winkler

On Sunday the 18th of March 2007 God bless our little family with a healthy baby boy. Alexander Michael Winkler is perfect in everyway. We are both so happy to have him in the real world and to learn all the details of taking care of him. He is an excellant pooper and knows how to eat well. There will be more details to come, but we wanted to introduce him as soon as possible. Thank you for all the prayers and calls. We are truly loved and blessed.


Practice Makes Perfect

As the pregnancy days drag on, Alexander's arrival seems like a distant dream. So, we set out on a practice stroll to test our parenting skills. We discovered that the pushing and turning capabilities of the stroller were exceptional. Cookie commented on the superior comfort level of the seat and smooth ride. While testing the safety features at the nearby playground that a keen eye and quick reflexes are important, and monsters... er, children... should never be left unattended.


Blogger Hero!!!

Just a note to thank the ever-so-talented Robert Fusté of Fusté Design for fixing the script for the beautiful boxes on the side. Look at those clean lines, four rounded corners with correct script. Now babyblog is INVINCEABLE!!!

Thanks Rob. You're a good friend and an official css hero :)

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, March 01, 2007
At 10:31 PM
Comments :

With Love from New Beginnings...

When Ruthie asked if she could host a shower for us at our house we were absolutely delighted to have everyone come and celebrate such a special time with us. We played some crazy games, laughed a great deal, and dined on Calvins' famous Grillers Prime and a feast of other salads, sides, and cake of course! The guys were excellent sports with all the baby googling and even proved to be some serious baby shower competitors! Doug managed to most accurately guess the roundness of Serena's tummy. David impressed us all with his moonwalk cotton ball feat, and Lou took home the M&M jar for his superb... counting skills. It was really a beautiful celebration, and we're looking forward to soon introducing baby to so many who love him so much already.