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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


perfect delights at 10 weeks

David took a fantastic 5-day weekend this weekend, and it's been just wonderful and relaxing. Yesterday Alexander was just smiles and giggles all day so we had to take a moment to capture his little joy on film. The pictures do him no justice, his smiles just light up the world- but here's a taste of baby Alexander's delights to warm your heart.


Two Months Old! (9 weeks)

Last Friday, Alexander passed the two month marker with a trip to see Dr. Thorrez. He measured in at 23 3/4 inches (75th percentile) and weighed in at 11 pounds 4 ounces (35th percentile).

It's so very fun to see his little personality shining through as he becomes more 'babylike' and less of an infant. He loves to watch and see what's going on, and would usually rather be facing the action than snuggled up. We call him 'strongfoot' because he loves to stand on his feet to chat, and is quite the little vocalist, especially in his happiest morning hours. He surprised mummy the other day rolling over on his own from his tummy to his back!

Last week our friend Belynda was in town visiting her mom for Mother's day and a group of us girls (and baby boys) got together at Starbucks. Samantha is holding baby David, his birthday buddy, born down the hall just three hours earlier.


The Ten Second Sit

Today Alexander gave Mummy two sneek peeks at his big-boy sitting style in the Boppy. When Mummy let go of his finger, he held himself sitting upright for a good 10 seconds before making the slow descent backwards and landing on the soft Boppy. Mummy was prepared during the second showing and snapped a pic at his prime. Bravo Alexander! .


Our First Mothers' Day

During breakfast, David headed out to "get a newspaper" and shortly thereafter, Alexander and I heard the doorbell ring. Because we were (he was) in the middle of eating we decided our visitor would just have to come back later. Persistent though, he was, and after the third ring, We headed down to see what obnoxious neighbor wanted to see us at such an early hour.

There at the door stood the finest man we'd ever seen. In his company uniform complete with nametag, stood an employee from the "Mothers' Day Daycare Service"- "Where Everyday is Mother's Day." After a brief introduction, "Ma'am your husband has requested our services today and if you'd take a look at the following sheet, you'll see all that our company has to offer."
  • Feeding, Burping, Changing
  • Playing, Singing
  • Basic Cleaning, Laundry
  • Meal Preparation,
  • Romantic Massage

"Can I check them all?" I asked. "I expect you to," came the answer. Our fine agent then proceeded to cook brunch for my mom and I- blueberry pancakes, sausage patties, raisin toast, fruit salad. And Alexander and he had some fine bonding time while my mom and I headed out to do some super duper flowershopping.

When we returned, I found the mountain of laundry folded, house cleaned, bed made, dishes done, and baby sleeping. Amazing this company is! If "everyday is mother's day," sign me up! I hope the doorbell rings again tomorrow! =)


Early Mother's Day for Grandma

We were delighted to have Grandma come and spend Wednesday/Thursday with us as an early Mother's Day celebration. Alexander took his first restaurant visits out to eat with the family and thoroughly enjoyed being spoiled with a bit of extra love and attention that Grandmas are so very good at.

Thursday morning, he showered Grandma with extra smiles and baby chatter, and she helped him with his learning how to roll over techniques. Thanks Grandma, for coming to visit us! We're looking forward to coming to visit you and grandpa soon!


First Picnic at Hidden Lake Gardens

This Sabbath we celebrated the gift of awesome weather with a trek out to one of our favourite places on earth, Hidden Lake Gardens. The trees were all in blossom along with the field of Narcissus. We drove the winding Woodland Drive and took pictures at a few favorite spots. Alexander seemed to love the fresh air and had his first picnic compliments of Papa under a flowering tree. It was a wonderful little outing, and the first of may fun memories for Alexander I am sure.


Seven Weeks

Alexander turns seven weeks on Sunday! Unbelievable! He's doing very well and showing off his little personality more and more everyday. His favorite thing is to play on a blanket the floor. "Flap and flail" as mummy calls it, while gabbing away in his own little language. We've been chatting with him in both French and English, and sometimes seems to really tune in to the French. Perhaps we should be a bit more methodical in our choices or he'll learn to speak some form of Franglish that no one can understand. Oh well- there's time, right? =)

Friday was quite the adventurous day as Alexander and Mummy went to visit all the friends at Exhibit Works. Of course Mummy forgot her camera but we got to visit with the Event Service department, and do some cube-hopping and a bit of showing off. Everyone loved him- of course! When we came home we had to make up for lost photo ops with a picture shoot of our own.

Admittedly, the past week has been a bit rough, David had quite a few late working days, and things just seemed out of sync. We'll attribute Alexander's hungry-all-the-time Wednesday, and slept-all-day (up-all-night) Thursday to a growth spurt. He's certainly got little hints every now and then of "little boy" that peek through those baby eyes. And papa was encouraged to have his snuggle buddy to bring in the Sabbath and catch up on some week-depleted rest.


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