Happy Birthday Nana!

Love from Minnesota
This week we were graced with a delightful visit from some Minnesota Johnsons: Dave (Serena's brother), Karen, and Lauren, Megan, and Cody. Alexander was just thrilled to meet his family and passed out smiles and giggles liberally to all. He was thoroughly spoiled by his Aunt Karen and cousin Lauren and took time lap-hopping from cousin to cousin on more than one occasion. We celebrated birthdays for Nana Lynne (June 15) and Megan (June 14) with a bit of grilling and outdoor picknicking compliments of the two Davids. Thursday night, the girls had a fun sleepover complete with little crafts, mini pedicures, photo shoot, and championship Sorry game with their uncle David. Cody gave Alexander a few lessons in baseball, and I'm sure next year Alexander will be toddling around behind. We just had a really good time throughout the visit. "Come back and play again next year," says Alexander, "so I can play too." Well, that's what he would say if he could :).
Little Angel
How quickly time flies. Alexander celebrated twelve weeks of life on Sunday. It is hard to comprehend or even begin to explain the way our hearts just bubble over with love for this little creature- this tiny, perfect creation. There are no words to describe the joy he has brought or the contentment we've found in our lives. Motherhood, Fatherhood- I think we're in love. Thank you- we praise you O Lord!, for this exquisite little angel.
A Moment for Morning Worship
Since April, one of the first things that we do after breakfast and dressing for the day is to have our little morning worship together. Usually mummy comes down to the blanket with Alexander and we sing our memory verse song, study our Sabbath School lesson, (I can even print them off the internet in French!) have a little prayer and close with a hymn. Alexander just loves it. He soaks up every minute and looks at the pictures so very intently. We're currently learning the story of Joseph's coat of many colors. May,
we talked about Daniel in the lions' den. But it was his first lessons that just began so perfectly, as for the month of April we read about little David the Shepherd Boy. I think his favorite part talked about David's new little lamb. "You are a new little lamb too, Alexander!" It is our prayer that our little lamb would become a man after God's own heart, and follow in the footsteps of His Good Shepherd.
All Through the Night
We are super pleased to announce that Alexander finally made it through the night in what we would qualify as officially "sleeping through the night." He snuggled down in his crib shortly after his bedtime 9pm feeding and woke up at 5am, just as mummy was getting up for work. He let her take a shower and get ready, and took breakfast only half an hour early. When we woke up in the morning, we both kind of looked at each other and asked, "Did the baby get up last night?" "Did you hear him crying?" We were quite surprised he was still asleep in his crib. But the event couldn't have come at a better time, as we had both been so exhausted from the week (we at first wondered if we had just slept through his 'calls'). God's timing is always perfect, isn't it? We'll have to see if baby Alex can duplicate this wonderful feat in the nights ahead.
back to work
A "Full Night's" Rest
**ACTUALLY, he slept at cell group after a 9pm dinner (around his normal bedtime), and stayed asleep in the car all the way home. Mummy gave him a calming snack at 11pm when he woke up on the way out of the car seat with a start. We put him in the bassinet for the night because he seemed a little on edge, where he promptly took to snuggling with the side of the bassinet (This always makes mummy nervous and she glanced in more than a couple of times throughout the night to make sure he was still breathing). He took a bit of a 3am stirr (when he usually eats) that was quieted with the speedy replacement of the magical binky. Mummy woke up at 5am with papa's alarm clock and glanced at Alexander every 10-15 minutes, anxiously wondering if he could actually make it to 6:30 without needing to eat. At 6:20, his eyes popped open, and he happily took a diaper change (mummy stalling until 6:30), had breakfast and a short awake time. At 7:00 Mummy tucked Alex into bed with her and he fell back asleep until he woke up to the camera flashes at nearly 10am! (Mummy also took advantage of much of the sleepytime.)
They may call this lack of mid-night meals 'sleeping-through-the-night,' but until he also permits MAMA to "sleep-through-the-night," we won't report anything official without adding the truth in the fine print. =)