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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


SnapPak #2- Four Months Old!

Alexander turned four months last Wednesday. At his Dr. appointment he weighed in at 13lbs 7oz (25th percentile) and 26.25 inches long (90th percentile)! Bravo, Alexander- way to grow!

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, July 25, 2007
At 10:16 PM
Comments :

Lil' Townie

It was a delightful week to introduce Alexander to a bit of the best of Ann Arbor. Wednesday morning we headed down to the Farmers' Market, where riding along in the Snugli, Alexander could be a part of the hustle and bustle looking over the fresh produce, flowers, and crafts. We picked our purchases carefully, snap peas, green beans, delicious cherries, and mom's favorite little Turkish pastry to take home. =)

Friday, we met Nana downtown to peruse the famous Ann Arbor Street Art Fair. We had a scrumptious salad lunch (bottle for baby, of course) at Cosi Cafe and meandered a corner (bite-size for Alexander) of the fair. Alexander's view from the stroller may have been a bit different from ours, but he seemed to appreciate some of the art more than others. Mostly, he was just captivated, if not overwhelmed by all the people passing by, sounds and smells and goings on and humored us by looking politely at anything colorful and 'kid-like' that we tried to put in front of him. But he certainly slept well all the way home. No worries, we'll be back again next year- he WILL love it eventually =).


Big Fish, Mermaid & Guppy

Splish Splash- All good Julys come with some quality time in the pool! Last Monday in the 90+ degree weather, we took Alexander for his first swim! We headed over to Dolfin Pool in Nana's neighborhood (where Serena spent thousands of happy childhood hours) as the sky was a bit overcast and not too sunny, and the heated pool was cool enough to be refreshing without being cold. He seemed curious and was quite intent on trying to figure out why we were all in a big bathtub, but he flashed a few smiles, and seemed to enjoy himself, especially bobbing in the water. AND he just looked absolutely adorable in his little surfer swimtrunks. I think Mummy and Papa were more excited than Alexander, and of course Nana was there to capture the moment on film.


A Quiet Fourth

So far, summer has been off to a wonderful start with some busy weekends, and quiet days too. Our fourth was one of those pretty quiet days this year, as we figured that little Alexander wouldn't be up for too many loud fireworks. We enjoyed having the three of us at home, and had a picnic out in the back yard. We threw some little snaps from Nana (Alexander's eyes got wide and his head shook with each loud 'pop'), and after Alexander went to bed, watched neighborhood fireworks just above the tree line. Just to be festive, Alexander was decked out in his All American Baseball onesie. And of course we had to take some pictures. He's still learning to sit on his own, and was a bit perplexed with this prickly green stuff underneath him. Mummy holds his hand for support.


Alexander's New Aunt Renee

Sunshine, warm breezes, and garden fountains make the perfect setting for a delightful wedding and the newest addition to the Winkler family. It was also Alexander's first wedding and he was all a-flutter and captivated by the sparkling lights, pink and orange ribbons, twinkling candles and all the gala. He got to spend some more time with great-grandma, and meet his Aunt Ruth and cousin Amy for the first time. He was so mesmorized by all the festivities he barely got a nap in besides the 2.5 hour car rides each way, but was all smiles for the camera and especially the lovely bride, Aunt Renee. What a day to treasure!