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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Hapy Burtday Muma!

We had lots uv fun wen we wint to Nana's hows to selibrat muma's burtday. It wus Muma, Papa, Nana, Elin, en me. Nana made Muma a fancee dinr wif all hur favrit tings to eet. Pasta noodl bak, asperigus, pees en karits, end punkin mufins. Evin I got to eet from a prity china bowl. Then Muma had an is creem cak with litel fires on stiks en she blew all the fires awa! But my favrite wuz the prity colord papir she kept throwin on the flor for me to pla wif. En she liked the presints too. (I got muma a kard wif a ber becuse bers are my favrit). Hapy Birtday Muma! I luv yu!

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, October 31, 2007
At 7:06 PM
Comments :

Autumn Bliss

It's peak autumn in all it's glory here in Michigan. The leaves and trees are exploding with colors and finally for Serena- sweater season has arrived! Alexander in autumn at seven months old, has been such a treat. Last Sabbath we took a stroll around Hudson Mills Metropark. We felt like terrible parents leaving both his carrier and stroller in the other car, but it worked out wonderfully (Alex certainly doesn't mind being held!) as he got to experience fall first hand. He went down the slide with Papa and sat in the leaves crunching them in his little fist and waving his arms excitedly. (Though he did get a little frustrated when we kept giving him leaves and sticks and then not letting him put them all in his mouth.) Papa held his hands while he walked- swish swish, crunch, crunch- along the edge of the path staring at the ground quite perplexed at the sounds his little feet could make. And more than once we caught him gazing out in wonder at the fine colors of golden hour. Of course we couldn't pass up this perfect photo op! (Click here see the gallery at Flickr.) Indeed, fall is here in all its splendor- enjoy it now, Alexander- next year papa will be handing you a rake.

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, October 24, 2007
At 11:24 AM
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let your light so shine

Now Alexander is just a little bubble of sunshine- really he is, almost all the time. But this Sabbath, this Sabbath he was way out-of-control-cute. And maybe we are just crazy parents in love with our baby, but undeniably Alexander is a friend-maker; and at church today, his joy was a-bubbling over. Nana cross-stitched for him his "first little tie" on a bib- with a shining candle on it that he might let his little light shine for all to see God's wonder in this tiny creation. As he went a-visiting from friend to friend during potluck (giving mama and papa some lovely dining time with empty laps) you could see his joy reflected in smiles across faces around the room. Praise God that Alexander is using his gift of joy to lift others' spirits already. Oh that we all might be such good stewards of God's gifts to us.

The bib also can be used to make great walrus teeth =)

By Winkler World Online
On Saturday, October 20, 2007
At 11:44 PM
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First Portraits

For Alexander's 6 month milestone, Nana and Mummy took him to JCPenney to have some official portraits done. David and I felt like they didn't quite capture his personality and "typical" self, but any way you look at him- he's just adorable all the same. We've posted a few of our favorites.

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, October 04, 2007
At 9:31 AM
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