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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Cutest Little Cruiser in Town

And he's off!!!! Well, he's been "off" for a couple of weeks now and it's taken us this long to catch up with him on the blog! Alexander is on the move! He now officially crawls fast enough to keep up with the kitty when she's trying to get away (unless she's on a full-tilt run of course!). The week before Grandma came he earned his freedom to explore the kitchen and dining room and has been thoroughly inspecting corners, crevaces, windows, and tupperware cabinets. He cruises (walking by holding on to anything he can) by the couch to the chair, to the windowsills; from his little table from Grandma and Grandpa Johnson around the cupboards and dining room chairs. (Usually earning at least one "NO! Don't touch the Kitty food" and one "No! Trash can - blech!" along the way) We got for him a little "walker" that he loves to push around and feels so cool and proud of his little independence- that is until he crashes into something and then grunts his little displeasure at the unmoving object. Steering is apparently not his specialty (he must get that from his papa). He's such a delight to watch, and with each new discovery and development lights up into such contagious smiles, and head bopping excitement. It's nice that he's able to entertain himself a bit more, but certainly keeps us on our toes, and unfortunately makes necessary for more frequent cleaning of floors, windowsills, appliances etc... But what is a home without little fingerprints everywhere, eih? He may not have won the Gap Baby photo contest, but I do believe that he has been officially declared the cutest little cruiser in this town! Can we get a college fund for that?

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, November 28, 2007
At 10:40 PM
Comments :

Giving Thanks

As the holiday season hits full swing, we reflect upon so very many things that we have to be thankful for. I am sure that not one who has been following our cheesy little blog can doubt what we are perhaps most thankful for this year. Alexander has been the delight of our lives and his first Thanksgiving was filled with lots of festive celebration that can be summed up best by the great psalmist, "Praise the LORD! Oh, give thanks to the LORD, for He is good! For His mercy endures forever." (106:1)

We were delighted to have Aunt Nancy join us from Chicago and Esther Trombley ride down with Grandma and Grandpa to celebrate the Thanksgiving feast with our family and Nana. Later Uncle Bill and Aunt Carol along with cousin Alison and Mike popped by for an after-feast glow and chatting. Alexander was in good spirits all day, sporting his festive turkey bib, and tasted his first bit of 'chicken and rice' compliments of Gerber. (Not a fan of bird, we quickly learned. That's okay with us.) But in traditional Thanksgiving style he easily retired for an evening nap shortly after the meal and returned later in good spirits and smiles to play happy host to his adoring fans.

We certainly had to capture this first event and took our fair share of photos (of course): A Winkler family 'portrait'; Papa's lesson on how best to eat pie; and the cheesy family self-pics of which we are a bit overly-fond. We've posted a few of them below. Happy Thanksgiving Alexander!

p.s. Alexander also enjoyed the after-day shopping extravaganza with grins and cheer to a great many people in a very long line of customers at Kohls. He shared a few fussies at Target, and was out cold by Best Buy. But no worries- It's your first year, kid. You'll build up those shopping muscles a bit more by next year.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, November 23, 2007
At 9:44 PM
Comments :

These are a few of my favorite things...

I suppose that in the delights and wonders of Alexander's latest doings and discoveries there is a lot of "reporting" to do. Often times- or maybe always- it gets to overshadow the simple, heart-sparkling joys that is really the essence of this whole new world of 'motherhood.' I thought I might take a moment to share outside the safety and reflection of my own heart a few of my favorite things before we embark upon this "very first" holiday season:

waking up to early morning dawns, and watching the sun-light slowly seep through the room on the sleeping little wonder next to me.

watching alexander play thoughtfully with my wedding ring

feathering my hair over his face to watch a little smile dawn... and eventually soft little giggles...

seeing alexander line up his hand to mine through the little window on his play tunnel and press his face to the mesh to smile at me

laughing together at mealtimes

eskimo kisses (rubbing noses) to produce big smiles and little hugs

seemingly "inside jokes" little sayings, silly dances and songs, about goofy day-to-day things that make us both laugh at each other

Little hands reaching up to touch my face, eyes smiling, reconnecting at dinner feedings after a day at work.

seeing him look for me from across the room, crawl all the way across the living room, the kitchen, and tug on my pant-leg.

reading books together- face to face, cheek to tiny, soft, cheek... softly in his ear... 'b is for bear... feel his fuzzy nose? see the bear?" big smile "yes, you like the bear very much... c is for car- vroom vroom beep beep..."

"ma-ma-ma-ma-ma" "yes, Alexander- I'm the mama! That's me! That's me!"

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, November 18, 2007
At 1:08 AM
Comments :

Thank You, Grandma!

From time to time, Grandma Winkler comes down from Saginaw on her day off and gets to spend some time with her little grandson and give Nana Johnson an extra day off. They're good days for all of us, and we're happy Alexander gets so much love and care. This week, in addition to a day of walks with the baby, playtime, and kind house-cleaning treats (thanks for the windows!), Mummy came home to a beautifully scrumptious dinner on the table, fed and happy baby ready for dinner with the family, and a house full of happy smiling faces (Nana came over too). Thank you so much Grandma for all your help, yummy dinner, and other goodies (Pepperidge Farm Patties, LunchMeats and Multi-Grain Cheerios) you always send our way. You're such a blessing to our family!

By Winkler World Online
On Thursday, November 15, 2007
At 12:48 AM
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Little Fruit Monster!

With two new top teeth to show off, Alexander has been delighting his bite with the tasting of "real people" fruits. Yummm! He's enjoyed cherry (good but messy), banana (one his favorites from papa), apple, peeled grape, and raspberry (not a favorite). We are afraid that he is beginning to like his fruits more than his vegetables. If you've got your fruit within his reach, lookout! Speedy-crawing fruit monster is on the prowl!

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, November 02, 2007
At 11:23 PM
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