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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Christmas Wishes from Grandma & Grandpa J.

2007's Grand Christmas Gala began with a friendly visit from Minnesota. Grandma and Grandpa J. forged through snow and Chicago traffic to spend several days with us and celebrate the pre-holidays. We enjoyed some good chats, a couple nice Nana-cooked meals (including some wonderful chili) and of course time for lots of grandson-oogling.

Alexander received a very special first Christmas present that he's been enjoying daily- his first car! The little red convertible (top off for indoor driving) is a big hit around the various loops in the house (including some basement driving while Papa works), and will grow with him in the summer as the bottom tray comes out and he can 'walk' it with his feet instead of being pushed around.

He got right into the assembly action, and Grandpa took him for his first royal spin around the island. (Kitchen Island that is). Later, Papa, Mama, and Grandma J. all took their turns 'in the driver's seat" and later even Alexander took Tatou for a little cruise. We wish we'd gotten pictures of that one!

Rick and Serena got to spend shopping time together, and Jan brought neat news of family history and stories from Minnesota family. Amidst cookies and presents a-plenty we were most happy for good company and a chance for Alexander to spend time with family. How blessed we are to be surrounded by such love.

See a fun little video below of Alexander in his car :)

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, December 23, 2007
At 10:18 PM
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Anonymous Nancy Says:

David, you don't need to teach Alexander how to drive - he's a natural! Just keep the car keys away from him until he's about 18...

Loves the horn, I see! I can also see him cruising the streets, flashing that gorgeous smile at all the girls...watch out,world, here he comes!

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

How awesome to be able to relive and share these special moments!!
He loves that car! Great job, Serena; the music is a delightful touch! Great to see Rick and Jan again. We are blessed. lmn


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