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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Cowboy Alex

It was dusky Christmas Sabbath evening. Alexander was playing in the living room with Mama and Aunt Nancy when a not-so-familiar 'clip-clop-clip-clop' was heard coming from around the corner. He turned with all curiosity to see a most handsome young stallion 'galloping' across the dining room floor. With three 'neeeeiiighs' and a friendly type snort he came to a stop right in front of little Alexander. It was love at first sight- a partnership to last throughout the ages. Alexander (all in smiles, of course) approached his new companion, and swiftly gave his mane a very drooly tasting. Rocking horse approved! This gift from Nana (complete with hat of course!) is certainly a treasure. Though Alex prefers to stand next to the horse and make him rock back and forth when you press the ear for riding sounds, he'll wear his hat for a few moments and put on his cowboy smiles to the praise and giggles of all the town folk and passers-by. This is one trusty steed he'll have great fun growing into.

A beautiful part about Christmas this year is that we've been able to share this very special "first" Christmas with so many family and loved ones. We were excited to have Aunt Nancy come from Chicago and spend some holiday time in Ann Arbor with us over Christmas weekend. We had plenty of time to chat Sabbath afternoon, share gifts and ooogle Cowboy Alex. Sunday we had a ladies ( + cowboy baby) brunch out. It was just fun pacing out some of the festivities for Alexander and sharing his joy with Aunt Nancy while she was here.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, December 28, 2007
At 10:54 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

And what a wonderful weekend it was! I only wish I didn't have to leave, as it was such fun to watch the awe on Alexander's face. No photograph could have captured the wonder and surprise as a little pony came around the corner into the living room, just for Alex. He stood there in complete amazement as the pony approached him and stopped at his feet. For me, he wondered? The beginning of a lifelong friendship with horsies!


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