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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


So This is Christmas...

"So," said Alexander, sitting amidst strewn paper and bows, and in the shadows of towering presents, "this is Christmas!"
We celebrated our Christmas "gala" day on Monday, the 24th. Brian and Renee had been staying with us since Saturday Night, and Sunday evening after baby was in bed, we transfered the first set of gifts to the tree. Early Monday morning- I believe just before six- Alexander and Papa were awake and very eager to assess the gift situation, so Mama reluctantly trundled down with the boys to admire the tree and celebrate the calm before the storm. After some twinkly-gazing and ribbon-pulling, Alexander returned to sleep (yay!!!!) until nearly 10am!

Nana, Grandma, Grandpa, Great-Grandma and Ellen all arrived with yummies and presents, and the kitchen was a-tizzy with pancake cookin', casserole bakin', cookie snackin' all in prep for the 'simple' Christmas morning brunch that was planned. Alexander found himself amidst the tizzy, all smiles, but as we all were, very ready to eat come food-time.

Presents were quite literally a 'mountain' of fun. For the first bit, Alexander was a great sport at tearing paper and unwrapping his little delights. He sat amidst the hubub playing with toys, paper, tree-skirt, kitty, mama's hair... We finally had to remove him from the fray for some quieter time, but he was a trooper all day. He later returned to his highchair and enjoyed some Zwieback toast while we all took to coffee/drinks and cookies or played with our new toys.

He took a long-awaited nap in the car on the way to visit family in Romeo for Christmas eve Dinner. We tried to teach him how to play Connect Four or Guess Who with David's little cousins, but maybe a few more years time would be helpful. He did, however, get his first guitar lesson from Mama, as that is a must in wooing that special girl's heart down the road. :)

It was a packed-full day. When we arrived home late that evening, Papa carried sleeping baby from his carseat to crib, like every 'happiest Father in the world' on Christmas Eve. It was hard to believe that after all the excitement and energy of the day- it would really be Christmas all over again in the morning. It would be a quieter day with just the three of us that we were looking forward to and revelling in- David and I- in the late night by the twinkling lights of the tree.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, December 28, 2007
At 1:06 AM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What a merry day it was! I think Alex was in a bit of a daze by the end, though he did great. Also, we'd had a Saturday evening celebration and Sunday Big Boy brunch with Aunt Nancy here for the weekend from Chicago. Wish she hadn't had to go to work on Mon. lmn


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