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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


The Business of Play

This afternoon Mama followed Alexander around with a camera to capture a few little playful delights. We love our days together.

By Winkler World Online
On Friday, February 29, 2008
At 10:28 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What enjoyment you give, Alexander, watching you play & explore your world. Hope mama has a rapid fire camera to keep up with your moving from activity to activity. Love ya lots, gma gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What enjoyment you give us Alexander, watching you play & explore your world. Hope mama has a rapid fire camera to keep up with your moving from activity to activity. Love ya lots, gma&gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

So much fun these days; plus there's all the kitchen treasures to pull out: pans, lids, plastic storage containers, baby supplies; and he likes his books including the Bible song book and the Cheerios book (for dessert time)
Nana Lynne


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