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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Little Things at Eleven Months

Alexander amazes us every day. We've been less than best bloggers but I thought we would send out some of our favorite gems from WinklerWorld.

  • Alexander loves to share bananas, apples, etc... especially if papa is eating it and we take a bite of it first. (Papa was mean and gave him a bite of lemon- he went for a second sample before the pucker face set in. Not too sure if he's fully recovered from that one yet)
  • He loves the new basement space, we've relocated the tunnel, car, and other toys down there for fun all over again.
  • A new favorite game is "flop." Set out soft pillows, beanbag, etc.. and say "Alexander, Flop!" and he'll come running and flop on in for a little snuggle."
  • If you give him something and tell him it's "trash" he'll throw it away for you. (warning: he also throws away things you don't call "trash")
  • He loves to "cheers" his Cheerios with Mama
  • He's been jumping, okay more like bobbing on the mini trampoline.
  • He has this freezer fascination. If you open the freezer he comes running and laughing at what's inside. You have to pry him away. We're not quite sure why.
  • He'll close any door / drawer you ask him to.
  • He's got his official first Stride Rites super-walker size four shoes! (Mama found $50 shoes on sale for $12 at Von Maur! That type of savings deserves an extra pair of baby pants don't you think?)
A few snaps from the last couple of weeks: (First SuperBowl; "oops" (see "Blue Hat, Green Hat" by Sandra Boynton); treats for Tatou)

By Winkler World Online
On Saturday, February 23, 2008
At 12:54 AM
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for this post

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What presious memories, there are probably so very many more the blogg couldn't contain them all. . .gpa beat me to it this time, love ya Alexander gma,gpa


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