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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


This is the house that Nana Built...

David may be an amazing basement finisher, but this little house that Nana built out of the car-seat box (yup- he's in a big boy car seat now, bye bye baby carrier!), has won grins and laughs unlike any pricey toy we've seen so far.

He loves to go inside and peek out at you from the windows. His favorite thing to do is go inside and shut the doors and then pop open- oh my how he laughs and laughs his little belly laugh! And if the kitty goes inside (because she likes it too) oh what delight! Mama and Alexander can just barely fit inside together, Alex shuts the door and laughs at Papa on the outside. Papa fits in just enough to be "in" the box, Alex opens the door- "peek a boo!" What fun! It's taken quite a beating so far, but at least for a few more days- this little house brings much laughter to our home.

By Winkler World Online
On Wednesday, February 13, 2008
At 12:46 PM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What joy the simple things with people we love! Praise God for children to keep us ever young in heart. Big grins and lotsa love for Valentine's and always. N,M,L
He is such a delight to watch: lately his "strong man" lifting the heaviest thing he can find (probably the house next), kicking the ball, taking the initiative to put the "yucky" thing in the trash, putting the felts on the board at Sabbath school all by himself, gently clinging Nana's chimes - so many amazing little growth steps - each day a wonder.=)

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Peek-a-boo, Mama! Almost missed you peeking in the back window. Helps to click and enlarge the photo. Can't tell if that's a Mama or Papa ear in the bottom photo. Big kids like boxes too. =)

Blogger Sarah Says:

What a cutie patootie. =) Especially with Serena grinning in there too! Alexander has two little teeth in there too, I see. Wowie.

Anonymous Nancy Says:

Way to go, Nana! How the simple things can bring so much amusement! What laughs it appears you're all having =)


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