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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers



Once a year our church has an outing at a local gymnastics studio where we can bounce, tumble, and crash- for free- to our hearts delight. They've got state of the art gymnastics equipement (bars, beams, floor, rings, vaults etc...) including awesome trampolines, a big foam pit, and mats galore. So we took Alexander this Saturday night to see what he would do. He absolutely loved every minute from start to finish. He went down the kiddie slide all by himself (with mama to catch him at the bottom) crawled through the tube mat, bounced (bending his knees & bobbing) on the trampoline, and ran all around on the floor, "bouncing" and waving his hands all funny. He loved crawling up the big cheese mats to the spongy crash mats up high. Walking around in the spongey, he'd walk to the edge and let mama wisk him up into the air all delighted for her to take him to the bottom and start all over again. He was all hugs and snuggles for Elsena, our pastor's wife, and enjoyed parading around feeling the different textures and mats under his feet. He liked to climb up high and survey all the activity around him and laughed at all the big kids doing fancy tricks and flips. Including a few backflip attempts by Papa- "Woohoo" Alex & Mama cheered. He did one little somersault of his own off one foam mat to another (he didn't mean to!) and was caught by one of our little friends. He wasn't quite sure what happened but after a minute managed a little smirk. He even enjoyed the foam pit during a quiet moment and managed to climb out onto the nearby mat! The cutest part though had to be the end, when after running around the floor tumbling area for a while he ran up to mama on the corner and put his hands up as all good gymnasts do- "Done!" he said. Indeed it was time to go home. He was asleep in the car before mama could even make his bottle. Lots of fun for this one-year-old to-be. What sweet dreams he'll have tonight!

By Winkler World Online
On Sunday, February 24, 2008
At 2:10 AM
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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

What an up-n-comming gymnist! :), Look to see him in the olympics. He's already won a gold medal in our hearts. . . gma,gpa

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

Ohmygosh! I wish I'd been there with a video camera! What a fun event, with so many new things for
Alexander to explore! And not being afraid to explore, either, that's what is so wonderful about that age. Bet you had a great time that night! And I bet he had great dreams on the way home, too...Love ya, Nancy


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