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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Going Bananas for My Very First Birthday

"Alexander, how old are you?" asks Papa.
"onne!" says Alexander holding up one finger- or maybe sometimes "donnne!" or "nonne"
No Alexander, you can't say 'none' anymore- and believe us, you're only getting started. Last Sunday we celebrated a most very special birthday in grand festive style. The theme could only appropriately be a monkey theme. He shares their passion for bananas, giddiness (and sometimes goofiness) for life, and makes an adorable little imitation monkey sound. We decorated with greeneries from Nana, little stuffed monkeys collected through the ages, baby bananas, balloons and 1st Birthday danglies and lanters. Cousin Haley's monkey blanket served as tablecloth and backdrop for the beautiful monkey-topped "hummingbird" cake made of coconut, bananas, and tropical flavors.

It was an eclectic mix of family and close friends who joined us for afternoon munchies, a few rounds of "stick the bananas on the monkey," and of course (drum roll please....) the first cake experience. Alexander and the rest of us snacked on foods made just for him- vegi-spread sandwich, pita with hummus, alphabet soup, various baby vegetables, and vegi-meatballs and more with help from two grandmas.

We played a jungle version of pin the tail on the donkey by sticking banana stickers in the hand of a very cute monkey (authentic artwork by Papa at 11pm the night before). Alexander confidently strolled up to the picture with sticker in hand and stuck his bananas on the monkey's waist. We decided it would be in his "holster" (if he was wearing one), and he promptly turned around to glow and bask in the applause. Too too too cute he is Though maybe we should work on humility with him. After a blindfolded spin, Mike claimed a flipping wind-up monkey for closest "stick-" bananas directly in the monkey's hand. Must be all that military orienteering training, we said.

His cake experience was a cautious one. Begun with careful finger dips into the frosting, he did eventually move into bites by the handful, followed by big grins and smacking lips. But aside from icing on the sleeves and frosting on the cheeks and ears, he managed to keep quite clean.

We enjoyed some playtime and chat time and finished up by opening some very thoughtful and generous presents. He was sincerely excited to open every gift and really just had a wonderful little time overall. He was such a good sport and happy little host. It was a beautiful celebration for a very special once-in-a-lifetime event. They say that you never remember your first birthday, but thanks to pictures (see more at flickr), blogs, video cameras and delightful memories- this one will be impossible to forget.


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Anonymous Nana Says:

What an awesome first year!! We are blessed! Thanks, Serena, for your talents and time in sharing so many special moments throughout Alexander's first year. The party was a luscious topping on the past twelve months. I was so amazed at his attentive involvement at each segment of the festivities. May God keep guiding you two in your parenting skills and all of us who love Him and him. Lotsa love to all. Nana

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

As Nana says it's been an awesome 12months, 52wks, 365days, , , Alexanader has such a marvelous, outgoing, happy character. It can only be because of how he is encouraged to explore and be his wonderous self. . .by his mama and papa. . . Im' sure this next 12mos, 52wks, 365days will be just as grand. . and yes may God continue to be our guide in raising Alexander. Food was scrumptous, game lots of fun, time with friends & family==PRICELESS, Love gma,gpa


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