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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


First Flight to Minneapolis- A Praise for Peace

Last week Alexander and Mama embarked upon a very special excursion to Minneapolis to visit Grandpa and Grandma J, and the Johnson family. David had left for the twin cities on Monday for training for work and Baby and I would be coming out to meet him on Tuesday night after Nana picked me up from work. My tummy had been tied in knots for days traveling alone with a busy baby, and I was just wondering how Alexander would behave on the flights and throughout the trip- away from schedules, familiar places, faces, beds, and routine. But God is amazingly AWESOME!

Security was the most stressful part of the trip. Loading up all of mama & baby's gear (stroller, purse, shoes, coats, diaper/activity bag) onto the conveyor and carrying little one through the gate. But we had some kind helpers and soon we re-adjusted, found our gate, baby ate supper and explored the row of empty seats we found, gazed outside at the big planes and busy little cars driving around, changed diaper, googled and flirted with everyone around (that was Alexander not mama;) ) and packed back up for boarding. I was hoping Alexander had disposed of most of his wiggles and was ready to sit (haha!!) for an hour and a half.

The first leg of the flight to Cincinnati (yes, the ticket was cheaper with a stop-over), We were
happy to find that we had the pair of seats to ourselves with extra room in front and beside us. We left the ground late due to crazy Detroit weather and de-icing measures, but during all of the waiting, Alexander busily examined the safety brochure, shopped the sky mall, and wondered in all curiosity at the plastic cards and a two cent stamp he found in Mama's wallet. After a cracker snack from the stewardess, he slept the entire take-off, flight, and landing in Ohio. However, we were terribly late, and Mama was worried about missing the connection to Minneapolis (the already boarding connection gate was a good hike and then a 15 minute tram ride away) but praise the Lord, the pilot for the MSP flight was on board our flight! We followed the pilots to the right gate and boarded just in time for Alexander to take his bedtime milk and sleep through the entire flight to Minneapolis.

Watching Alexander, my little "busy bundle" gently playing on my lap, and then snuggling in, quietly watching me, smiling, chatting softly, and falling asleep without any fighting or even fussing was such an answer to prayer. I felt in those moments a sense of the peace that truly passes all understanding. He must have had angels singing lullabies to him. So I sang them back in my heart as I watched this sleeping wonder on his very first journey through the heavens...

Praise to the Lord, who over all things so wondrously reigneth,
Shelters thee under His wings, yea, so gently sustaineth!
Hast thou not seen how thy desires ever have been
Granted in what He ordaineth?

(Blogger is having technical difficulties. More pics & details of our visits to come...)


for this post

Anonymous Nana Says:

Your ending part makes me teary with praise again for God's love and your peaceful flights and that you could fly back together with David. God is so awesome! It was so good to see my sleepy little buddy again (Mama & Papa too) even if it was three hours later than expected. Glad you had a good time the Minneapolis family. lmn

Anonymous Anonymous Says:

It never ceases to amaze me how the Lord works the details out for us. Seems you did have many an angel watching over each of you and the way each optical was overcome could only be by the Lord's hand. . . lookforward to more pic's of the great excursion. Was wonderful to see yas home safely gma,gpa

Blogger hayhay Says:

Oh it was so nice to finely meet little Alexander i love him so much and tell him i said


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