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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


Minneapolis Memories

We had a great little visit with the Johnson families up in Minnesota. Though a bit short, it was a blessing to have some expenses covered with David's work already keeping him there, and it was a perfect chance for Alex to see everyone again, and meet some Johnsons for the very first time. He didn't even seem too bothered by the time change. We were up only a few minutes earlier that usual each morning (Friday we even all overslept!), and took a fabulous hotel breakfast- complete with Belgian waffles (yummm!) with Papa each day as a family before we turned him over to his training for work. Alexander took his morning naps quite nicely in the pack-and-play, and we headed over to Grandpa J's a little after 11. Before long, he was reacquainted with Grandpa J in his favorite yellow vest, and got to meet some of Grandpa's favorite critters around the house. He stole some hugs from Grandma Jan and Wednesday enjoyed some very special butterscotch pudding and heart-waffle treats for lunch.

Later Wednesday, Serena and Jan surprised Haley by picking her up at school and we had great fun both afternoons chatting and playing a couple games while Alexander napped. Alexander got to meet his cousin Haley and the two hit it off right away. They played piano, and read stories, played toys, took some fun pictures (that unfortunately our computer decided to randomly delete!!), and had a grand time. She had even made Alexander an adorable, very soft little monkey blanket. We decided that we would definitely have to go with a monkey theme at his birthday party coming up...

Wednesday night Papa joined us as we headed down to spend some time with Serena's brother David and Karen and Lauren, Megan, and Cody. Alexander had fun with all the new toys, fun cousins and stairs to climb. He ate supper with Cody (who is three) at his big boy table and for a little while wanted to do just what he was doing. We had yummy pizza and chatted a bit before Papa had to go home to do his homework and Alexander was winding down after a busy day.

Thursday afternoon, Jan and Serena tried to trek Alexander over to the Mall of America, but he seemed overwhelmed by everything and after a little meltdown, came back to the house for a nap. He seemed much more contented to play in familiar surroundings with a certain happy cousin, and later Uncle Mike stopped by for a very first meeting. We went out for some yummy eats at Houlihans with Mike, Holly, and Haley. He was a bit more shy with all the new family in the evening after a long day, but still had fun playing peek-a-boo in the atrium balloons.

Friday morning Jan came by with Lauren and Megan and we had a girls (+ baby) luncheon at Applebees and had some picture time back in the hotel before our final packing-ups and farewells. Overall we were so impressed with Alexander's flexibility and easiness to bed in a strange place. He loved his freedom in the hotel room and peeking over his crib to see Mama and Papa nearby in the mornings. By Friday, he was ready to return a bit to routine, but was fantastic even throughout the cancelled / rebooked / delayed / change of plane / late night flight home.

It was really good to see everyone even with such a whirlwind of a visit. It's hard to raconte all the tales and smiles of watching Alexander fit right in with his family who is even so far away. From thoughtful little gifts from Jan and Grandpa J. (The picture changing book was great on the plane!), to custard treats, dinners out, and even help rebooking a cancelled flight home, we thank you for all your kindness and hospitality!!! I don't know when we'll get to make the trek again, but certainly look forward to summer visits in Michigan, and hugs sent across the miles. Indeed how blessed we are with such a family as this!


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

It sounds like you had a great time in MN with more family. What an opportunity to meet the rest of the cousins and see Rick and Jan again. Sounds like the little man was so comfortable with all this traveling and new surroundings - he's just so laid back! Glad you had fun and even happier you could share your tales and pictures with us! Hi Minnesota Johnsons! Nancy

Anonymous Lynne Says:

Good to hear more details. At least a few photos survived. Alex's personalized carpenter vest with all the tools is adorable! He's learning what sounds the hammer makes against different items, cat included. Hope to see you again this summer. Love to all. Lynne


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