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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


One Year Old

And so it is... we are the ecstically proud parents of a one-year-old. As soon as the words tumbled off our lips it sounded strange to us and sent our heads in a spin. How quickly time flies and how much it reveals to you in twelve short months. Sometimes it feels like our days before Alexander was some completely other lifetime ago. Sometimes when you look at him, it feels like you've known him forever. Yesterday Mummy was watching him riding in the back seat of the car, "Alexander, what did you do with Mummy's little baby? Where did he go?" Yes, sometimes sunggly and soft and quiet and watching, he is still our little baby boy, but there's certainly more "little boy" in those eyes than baby left. Toddling around the house with binky and blanket in hand. Scooting about dashing here and there with popper, pulling doggy or phone, bringing his books and plopping for a sit in the lap. Coming when you call him, or running away all a-giggles when you need him to obey most. Pacing the floor after papa on his cell phone "da, da, kay"

It was a full festive week of one-year old celebrations. Mama didn't want to let her none-year-old go. On the 18th we celebrated with more singing, his presents from us and from Nana, and one last hurrah on birthday cake. (He was much less mannered without the crowd watching, complete with face plant and tray licking). We took a mold of his little foot and framed it with his one-year-old picture, and left his party decorations up until the next Sunday.

What a treasure, what a year to remember. And just to think... the best is yet to come.


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