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Welcome to WinklerWorld Online

A little spot for the littlest Winklers


When Grandpa Comes to Visit

Alexander loves the days when Grandma comes down to visit and play. And when Grandpa comes too, now that is a real treat! The other week Alexander and Grandpa had some very special time together doing all of the favorite things that Alexander loves to do most. From sharing bananas to playing in Alex's "house" to riding in the tote like a roller coaster, he had fun all day. We aren't sure who enjoyed it more, but we are sure that days like this will be remembered. After waves good-bye and hugs and kisses Mama was quite sure she heard Alexander whisper to Papa "I hope I didn't make Grampa too tired. Will he come back to play with me again soon?"


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Anonymous Anonymous Says:

The wonderful part of being a grandpa is allows for do-overs. Time spent with Alexander is time I wish I could have had when the boys were little. Look forward to many more of them!!! Watch out Alexander gpa has lots of energy to spend with you.... Luv gpa


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